Friday, September 28, 2018

two tiny tin cups of coffee

26th september 2018, 1435

(for natalia mallo)

Two tiny tin cups of coffee
a condensed milk pudding in a jar
on a table on a street corner
in the biggest city of south america
nothing of importance in our human story

here in this city
of 25 storey buildings
& 10 lane highways
where the traffic so often goes nowhere

here in this city 
they call the macro metropolis
this megalopolis of more than 30 million humans
that defies the imagination in its vastness.

you & me don’t amount to much, i guess,
with our two tin coffee cups on a street corner
except in the discounted inventory
that measures the beauty of little things

not thought about much, maybe,
taken for granted mostly, maybe,
not celebrated or paid attention to

But I think about it
I treasure this moment
This moment so crucial in the history of the world
As I treasure the love and the friendship
I see in your beautiful eyes

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