Monday, September 17, 2018

EVE sees Losing Venice in the Orange Tree

Last Tuesday I left EVE rehearsals at one o clock to catch a taxi to Glasgow airport and began my journey to the Orange Tree Theatre in Richmond, London, to see the openinght of my LOSING VENICE.

I don't think I've ever enjoyed one of my plays more.

I thought the writing was witty and profound, the subject matter absolutely bang on the nail; the acting was fab, the directing was sensitive and clever, the designs were gorgeous; the whole thing had such a lovely pleasurable theatricality to it that was an utter joy to be with.

In short, I loved it. Maybe you have to have a gap of 30 years between writing and watching to be able to enjoy a play.

All sorts of lovely lovely people were there, and the cast were proud and happy, and so were the creative team, and the whole theatre was just a gorgeous place to be.

I walked down the road in the drizzling rain to my B and B and had an Indian takeaway and early next morning caught an early flight back to Glasgow.

And then we had a full day's rehearsal. That Wednesday was the last full day's rehearsal, in fact, before opening EVE in Nairn on Saturday.

And when I got off the train in Edinburgh that evening I was so proud and so tired and so sore I can barely walk.

But I didn't care, really. What a joy. What a total utter joy....

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