Monday, February 26, 2018

This film is actually about two women...

I've had such a great time choosing and introducing films for the Edinburgh Filmhouse, as part of their houseguest season.

It's been an amazing journey through my past and through works of art that have shaped me as a writer.

And a constant pleasure to share films I love with an audience.

I choose the season without a thought for whether they would attract audiences or not; and the result was a defiantly arthouse cinema programme.

And what's made me happy has been to see how well they've actually been selling. Three of the films have been shown in cinema one; 2 of these, including PERSONA, have been moved to cinema one because the smaller cinema sold out.

PERSONA is a film about a relationship between two women, and the two main characters occupy about 90% of the screen time. So you would assume that in choosing an image to represent the film, the distributors would choose one of the two women at the heart of it.

But it's a sad measure of the sexism that still exists in the film industry and our society that they felt they had to have a man in the picture.

But I won't let that spoil my pleasure in presenting such a beautiful film, and one that means so much to me...
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