Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rehearsal day 4

It was an astonishing morning.

The first thing was a letter from my agent about a play of mine a producer is working hard to put on next year in london's west end. SoI dealt with it.

And then I was packing my costume and the prayer bell and tea lights and the sourdough rye bread I made especially for "The Gospel According To Jesus Queen Of Heaven".

And then I was on the bus to go down the road to the Traverse rehearsal room for "The Tree Of Knowledge".

I just missed the bus, as I often do, the 35's timetable being an interesting work of fiction, and was thinking: how extraordinary. How lucky. How has all this come about?

I feel I keep saying: "Rehearsals were extraordinary". But they were. Again.

We're working through the play and came to a scene where Hume says nothing. And this had worried me. I couldn't understand why he was so silent.

But then I understopd.

And then there's another scene... but I don't want to talk about it, because for whoever comes to see it I want it to be a surprise.

I really want people not to know what is going to happen next.

I want them to be taken on an extraordinary journey where one minute they are laughing and they are crying the next.

Or vice versa. And be thinking furiously at the same time.

I'm excited to be going to Liverpool. But I'll miss it tomorrow. Whether I keep up this diary depends on whether I can find a computer to type it on...
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