Monday, March 15, 2010

Production week: Day 1
Masses of laughter today.
And sore legs and feet.
And the cast of "The Cherry Orchard" have just started their rehearsals. A lovely, excellent cast. One actor I am so fond of who was in "Losing Venice" and he said "You know, Jo, we may not always understand your words but they are always a pleasure to speak".
As ever, my heart warmed to it.
But i thought: "This time you will understand every word".
In the afternoon, another run through with the dancers and the children and I think, finally, this is the first time I have absolutely everything seen everything through.
So I know now that all the individual bits work.
And they all hang together properly too. It all works as a whole.
It's as if finally the last piece in my jigsaw has fallen into place. Not for them, of course. So much work awaits them between now and the opening on Saturday.
As for me, I feel intensely proud.


Hi, Jo. I think reading your blog will make the viewing of your play more exciting and give it more depth. Glad it's going well. Hope you're going to Bio-Danza on Tuesday. x0
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