Sunday, February 28, 2010

Memo to self: try to keep up. Try to find out what rehearsal day this is...

Whatever the number, it has been remarkable.

Performing extracts of "Jesus" to trans activists from Europe was an amazing experience. For many of them, policies here in Scotland are a model of good practice. For all the difficulties so many of us still face, speaking with them made me aware of our blessings.

I was thinking of this especially this morning as i went to church. I went to St. Johns - an amazing busy church in Edinburgh's west End which runs 4 services every Sunday. There were about 150 at the morning service Suzanne and I had been invited to attend. We stood up during the notices to tell the congregation about LEAVE TO REMAIN which we have just performed this evening (and are performing again tomorrow).

I felt totally welcomed. Without any equivocation or reserve: and i could not help but reflect that not so ,oong ago that would have felt so impossible on so many different fronts.

And the service was so beautiful...

And then we rehearsed, and then in the afternoon something very beautiful and unexpected happened, which I cannot describe here, but left me with a real hope for future happiness.

There were maybe about 25 to see the show, which we performed in the main body of this beautiful church for the very first time. Such a building has a profound effect on performance: you have to speak slowly, to stop your voice disappearing into the echo, and the whole space demands a kind of mindful presence that is very challenging and beautiful to discover.

there's more to it than that, but what that is i am too tired all of a sudden to even begin to describe.

I think we did well.
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