Tuesday, July 28, 2009

28th July.
I've had such a happy day.
I had to go to Glasgow, to see GLASGAY about my JESUS QUEEN OF HEAVEN which they are putting on in November.
And on the way there I found myself writing so productively new scenes for LA PRINCESSE DE CLEVES, which I aim to finish by Saturday.
It turns out the Daily Mail has been sniffing around the Tron programme, where the show has been announced... and today published an indignant piece about the GOMA exhibition. The Pope himself is very incensed with it, apparently.
Somehow a real pleasure to anticipate the show...
And then I went to GOMA and saw the exhibition, some of which members of the Transgender Writing group I led have contributed some beautiful images to. And felt so proud of them.
Last year I took part in the "Hidden City" poetry event in Glasgow. I was taken to a secret sire, asked to write a poem inspired by it, and performed with a group of other poets performing their work.
I'm doing it again this year; so i went to the site, which I cannot describe, and stayed there a while.
And then sketched out the poem on the train home.
And spent the afternoon typing out the new scenes.
Before, this evening, being visited by someone I love.
It occurs to me I am living the life I dreamed of.
I hesitate to write such a thing. i feel, in an old superstitious way, as if I am inviting misfortune.
But i want to bear witness to this: and to my thankfulness.
Labels: happiness
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