Wednesday, May 06, 2009

A rather wonderful day...
Dear Tom McGrath died this week. He helped me so much in my difficult days. A wonderful and inspiring man. I wanted to write to his partner, Ella Wildridge.
Then I went to the co-op to shop for Susie's mum. Just before I left my mobile phone rang. I picked it up.
Voice: "Is Sue there?"
Me (scarcely breathing): "What?"
Voice: "Is Sue there?"
Me: "Who is this?"
Voice: "Jill from mobile services".
Me: "Sue died in 2005."
Voice (without a hint of regret): "I must have got the wrong number then"
Me: (hangs up).
How strange, on the day I do a dress for a show inspired by her death...
I take the shopping to Jean's house. She is 84, as far as I can tell in pretty constant pain. Always interested in the world: ij the doings of the birds on her lawn, the pancakes she's going to make for the activity class, the salmon she had for lunch yesterday...
I so hope I retain her positive spirit and her courage.
Left, refreshed from the encounter.
Quickly changed, put on my make-up, did my hair, caught the bus to the Lyceum Press Conference.
To announce the 2010 season. Every One will open in March. Pleasant talks with Matthew Lenton (of Vanishing Point), the Lyceum staff, whom I'm so fond of, a very twinkly John Byrne on leaving.
And then to the dress.
Even though I'm wearing my own clothes, I made a little ritual of changing into them.. how strange the space felt. Ambushed, again, by grief.
What a pleasure to have such a grounded, such a creative day..,
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