Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yesterday was Valentine's day, and i was involved in performing some very special love stories.

They had been gathered by Our Story Scotland (http://www.ourstoryscotland.org.uk/storytelling/index.htm)
- an organisation which collects and celebrates and archives stories from the LGBT community in Scotland.

This project has to do with collecting stories of love which breaks taboos. Which crosses boundaries of gender or religion or race or custom.

The group has been meeting for a year - a group consisting of just about every gender and sexuality, whose members did cross boundaries of race and religion, shared their stories with amazing pride and courage, and explored them in different forms. Through storytelling, poetry, music, dance and song.

I led a couple of the workshops, and found myself presenting the event, reading a story of my own, and linking the different stories by performing poems that had been written collectively by the group.

Doing so in front of an exhibition of the groups artwork in the really rather unwelcoming context of Hillhead library in Glasgow.

Yet it was a beautiful event, something it is a real blessing to be able to participate in, and a celebration of the love that makes us all so fully human.


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